The Man Within – a film by Antoine Veldekens & Pierre de Mûelenaere
Ever since Antoine hung a monumental portrait in his living room, his grasp on reality has been slipping, rendering him incapable of leaving his apartment. Now Antoine must confront the sinister forces lurking within the painting.
“The Man Within” is the story of a possession, capturing the moment of the enactment. “The Man Within” marks Pierre de Mûelenaere and Antoine Veldekens debut as a directing duo. It is the first chapter of a larger story called “The Deep” which revolves around a series of demonic paintings.
Soundtrack featuring fatalism (Bedouin Records), Christian Stadsgaard & Lohke Rabek (Posh Isolation) and Stuart Argabright & Michael Diekmann (Ike Yard)
Offficial selection so far
- Montevideo Fantastico XV
- Fright Nights XX (Linz)
- Spook Screen (Cork)
- Festival of Terror (Birmingham)
- Ghent Short International Film Festival
Title: The Man Within
Dir.: Antoine Velderkens & Pïerre de Mûelenaere
Starring : Antoine Veldekens
Year: 2024
Genre: Horror
Country: Belgium
Running time: 7 minutes
Prod.: TOTALISM Films & Terror Factory
September 30, 2024